Stay in a student`s hostel


Check in hostels, accommodation in them, the rights and duties of citizens are determined by the “Regulations on hostel SNAU”.

According to the Law Faculty of fixed hostel № 4 (section 210, 310, 401, 410, 501.510) Total – 109 seats.

The person responsible for the settlement in a dormitory at the Faculty – Vice Dean for Educational Work Kuznetsova Marina Y. (mobile 095 616 June 30, e-mail:

Stay in a student`s hostel

Procedure for settlement to the hostel students of 1st course:

1. The settlements held from 26 August to 25 September.

2. Students should contact:

  • to the Dean of the Law Faculty (main building, 114aud.) For an application for settlement and obtaining a receipt for payment;
  • Head to the hostel number 4 with a set of documents (Section 3) for the preparation of necessary documents and accommodation in a hostel.
  • in any branch of the bank for payment of the accommodation;

3. You should have:

  • Passport with discharge;
  • Military ID or registration certificate, 2 envelopes (for boys);
  • Three photographs of 3×4 cm;
  • a medical certificate – permission to settle in the student dormitory of medical clinic (a clinic in 3 hostel). To obtain a permit you should have the results of blood tests on the MPC and X-ray. For fluorography examination result must always be specified: – Seal clinic – diagnosis – to assure personal seal nominal radiologists.
  • photocopy of cash vouchers of payment for the accommodation;
  • One envelope of the home address;
  • apply for settlement.

 Stay in a student`s hostel