Educational and practical training of law students is an important part of the educational process . The practice is organized and conducted for the purpose of acquiring and improving practical skills in the performance of official duties by the appointment, as well as to deepen and reinforce your knowledge and skills. Throughout the program, students are learning ( introductory ), production and pre-diploma practice .

Teaching practice is a first and important step of entering of students in the learning process in higher education . Purpose of the practice is to develop students’ active attitude towards gaining a high level of academic and professional knowledge and skills for future practice in the legal industry.

The program provides practice to familiarize students with the future profession, the nature, the content and conditions of Corporate Counsel , the structure of government , the production process , promotes skills in the chosen specialty.

The purpose of industrial practice is learning and deepening of theoretical knowledge in the field of civil, family , labor, land , business, law, and familiarization with the structure and activities of legal services and the courts, legislative study material, which is regulated by the activities of notaries, lawyers’ associations , assembly legal documentation.

Production bases and practices of undergraduate students are state and private institutions , enterprises and organizations that have adequate capacity to ensure compliance with the approved program .

Today the major databases practices are: Office of the State Judicial Administration in Sumy , Department of Justice in Sumy, Department of Land Resources in the Sumy region, notaries, lawyers’ associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations. which the University has entered into an agreement on cooperation in educational activities.

Each type of base practices is characterized by passport of practices and agreements on its implementation.

Students can self- select with the permission of the department for a place to practice and offer it for use.

Students are given the opportunity to realize their full willingness and ability on the choice of the place of practice.

To encourage students to practical work at the Faculty Legal Clinic “Trust ” is successfully running, on the basis of which the theoretical knowledge acquired by students is fixed in learning practical skills emerging research activities of students. The task of the Legal Clinic is a combination of theoretical learning with practice , the formation of law students skills, active social position and justice.