
Chernega Ekaterina Vitalievna

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Private and Social Law

Email: katerina7chernega@gmail.com


Born in Magdeburg, Germany in 1989.

Graduated from the Law Faculty of the National Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine in specialty “Law” (2012), received a master’s degree with honors. Postgraduate Postgraduate Studies in Specialty 08.00.08 – Money, Finance and Credit since 2015.

Articles, abstracts, teaching aids



Koldovsky AV Strategic management of competitiveness of enterprises / AV. Koldovsky, EV Chernega, N.A. Petrova. – D .: LAPLAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2016. – 132 p. – ISBN: 978-3-659-82709-9

Scientific articles

Chernega KV The negative impact of social networks on teenagers of the XXI century / KV. Chernihiv // Student science. – 2016- T.1.- 2016.- P.56-68


Scientific articles

Chernega KV Problematic aspects of theoretical understanding of crypto currency as a phenomenon of modern information economy / KV. Chernega // Problems and prospects of development of the banking system. – 2015. – Issue 42.- P.100-110

Abstracts at conferences

Chernega KV Ipotecasemli – a complex instrument of economic and legal relations / KV. Chernihiv // Materials of scientific-practical conference of teachers, graduate students and students of Sumy NAU (April 20-24, 2015). – P. 346

Chernega KV The Ukrainian people as the subject of land ownership / KV. Chernihiv // Proceedings of the Second All-Ukrainian Scientific-Production Complex “Topical Issues of Domestic Legal Science” (April 16-17, 2015). – P. 57-59.

Chernega KV The essence of social dialogue and its role in preventing the emergence of collective labor disputes (conflicts) / K.V. Chernihiv // Proceedings of a scientific and practical conference with the participation of: National Mediation and Reconciliation Service; The National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine; Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration (October 7, 2015). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.kbuapa.kharkov.ua/e-book/conf/2015-4/doc/1/15.pdf