

Doctor of Law, professor, Head of the Department of International Relations

E-mail: alenaklocko@gmail.com

Europass: Curriculum Vitae

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From – to: Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs 2014: Associate professor’s certificate. Associate professor of the chair of administrative commercial law and financial-economic security of the Law Faculty of Sumy State University, Ukraine. Doctoral thesis: “Criminological characteristics of bank robberies and its prevention by the organs of internal affairs”. 

2007- 2011: Degree: Сandidate of legal sciences (PhD), specialty of  12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; criminal exеcutive law.

1999 – 2003: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko  Degree: Teacher of language (English and German) and foreign literature.

1999 – 2004: National University of Internal Affairs (Sumy branch). Degree: Jurist.


– 05/2017  –  current: Sumy National Agrarian University

– 05/2017 –  current: Leading Researcher

– 05/2017 –  current: Law Faculty: Head of the Chair of International Relations.

– 09/2010  – 05/2017: Sumy State University

– 09/2016 – 05/2017: Senior Research Specialist

– 09/2010 – 05/2017: Associate Professor, Vice Dean for International Relations (2010-2013)

–  09/2013 –  08/2015: Ukranian Academy of Banking of  the National Bank Of Ukraine, Associate Professor of the Chair of Criminal-legal Disciplines

– 09/2008 –  05/2010: Administrative Court of Sumy Region, Court Manager (Head of the Apparatus)

– 09/2008 – 05/2009: Sumy State University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Germanic Philology

– 05/2002 – 08/2008: Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

– 09/2002 – 08/2008: Senior Lecturer

– 05/2002 – 05/2004: Librarian



Awards : Scholarship for the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the young scientists  (2014)


Of the editorial board of: “Private and Public Law” – the scientific journal – of the Law Faculty of Sumy National Agrarian University.  Access: http://www.pp-law.in.ua/index.php/redkolegiya;
Of the editorial board “Forum of Law” – the scientific journal of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.  Access: http://forumprava.pp.ua/page-4.html;
Reviewer of “Legal Horizons ”- the scientific journal – of the Scientific Educational Institute of Law of Sumy State University. Access: http://law-review.sumdu.edu.ua/editorial-board-and-reviewers-staff.
“Ukrainian Association of International Law” (National University “Odessa Law Academy”)-  All-Ukrainian public organization  – since May, 2018;


2017-2020: Sumy National Agrarian University. Leading researcher, Project manager

Project for the young scientists in 2017: “Improvement of the Ukrainian on ensuring the safety of the sphere of the banking activity in the conditions of the European integration: economic and legal aspect”. State financing of 900 000 UAH, state registration number 0117 U 006531. Drafting of the new Chapter to the Special part of the Criminal code of Ukraine “Crimes in the Sphere of Banking Activity”.

2016-2017: Sumy State University: Senior research specialist, responsible project executor.

Project for the young scientists in 2016: “Improvement of the law enforcement agencies to provide financial and economic security of Ukraine”. State financing of 600 000 UAH, state registration number 55.06.00-01.16/18, Drafting of the Law of Ukraine “On Financial Police”;

2015-2017: Sumy State University : Project executor research. “Elements of administrative and criminal law in labor and social relations of Ukraine” (state registration number 0113U007517).

