
Арістова Ірина Василівна Aristova Iryna

Professor, doctor of legal sciences, the Chair of administrative and informational law

Е-mail: aristova07@gmail.com

Europass: Curriculum Vitae 

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From 1970 to 1975 she studied at the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics at the Faculty of Computer Engineering, majoring in “Electronic Computers”, received a diploma with honors.

From September 1975 to April 1994 she worked at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the following positions: engineer, junior researcher, researcher.

In 1984 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.

From April 1994 to June 2007 she worked at the Kharkiv University of Internal Affairs (service in the internal affairs bodies of Ukraine, retired police colonel) as a senior lecturer, associate professor, professor.

In 2002 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Laws in the specialty 12.00.07 – “Management Theory; administrative law and process; finance law”.

In 1996 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of applied mathematics.

In 2006 he was awarded the academic title of Professor at the Department of Administrative Activities of Internal Affairs.

Since 2007 – Head of the Department of Administrative and Information Law, Sumy National Agrarian University.

Aristova IV is the head of the scientific school “Legal principles of the information society based on knowledge and the information state.”


Theory of information law of Ukraine:

Theory of information legal relations;

Instrumental theory of law: development

The mechanism of legal regulation of information relations.

Information society and information state: methodology and legal issues:

State information policy;

Digital and cognitive inequality;

Introduction of information and communication technologies: legal regulation.

Information legislation: national and international:

Systematization of information legislation of Ukraine;

Adaptation of information legislation of Ukraine;

Comparative legal research.

Public service activities in Ukraine:

Public services: theory and practice

Under the leadership of IV Aristova prepared 17 candidates of legal sciences.

Published more than 150 scientific papers, including 19 monographs (including 7 – collective). Engaged in the training and certification of scientific and pedagogical staff: is the head of graduate students and applicants conducting dissertation research in legal sciences in the specialty 081 “Law”.

Aristova IV is a member of the editorial board of scientific periodicals – “Information and Law”, “Public Law”, “Private and Public Law”, which are included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine (category “B”) in legal sciences.

Aristova IV is a member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of dissertations in the specialty 12.00.07 – administrative law and process; finance law; information law (doctoral council at NDIIP NAprN of Ukraine).

Aristova IV is an expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and an expert of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the specialty “Law”

For achievements in scientific and pedagogical activity she was awarded the award of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “For the development of science, technology and education” of the second degree (2004) with the badge “For distinction in the service” of the second degree (2003); the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” (2004); Laureate of the award named after Yaroslav the Wise for outstanding achievements in research on jurisprudence (2013).

