
Кравченко Іван Олександрович Kravchenko Ivan

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of Administrative and Information Law

Europass: Curriculum Vitae

E-mail: ikk3kki@gmail.com

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Autobiographic information

Born in 1989 in Sumy.

2011 graduated from Ukrainian Academy of Banking where he specialised in jurisprudence. 2012 defended Ph.D. thesis «Недержавне пенсійне забезпечення в Україні» and got a degree of candidate of legal sciences in law of employment, social security law.

2011 – 2012 – chief legal adviser at the department of legal cases monitoring.

Since 20.08.2012 – senior lecturer of Administrative and Informational Law Chair.

Scientific interests: social security law, administrative law, legal support of health protection.

05.06.2015 graduated from the Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Sumy AS Makarenko Pedagogical University, majoring in “practical psychologist”.

He defended his dissertation at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the topic “Legal bases of organization and activity of the Pension Fund of Ukraine” in the specialty Administrative Law and Process; finance law, information law and a doctorate in law. On the basis of the decision of the Board of Attestation of February 1, 2018 he received the diploma DD № 007365

Certificate B2 №000333301 date – 25.09.2017

07.27.2018 Completed training at the Ukrainian Mediation Center at kmbs on the Basic Mediator Skills program. Certificate Registration Number 18060103

07.25.2018 Received a certificate on the right to practice law. Series SM No. 000534

